“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”
- Sherry Anderson
I cannot think of truer words when it comes to those who volunteer. Volunteering, the giving of one's time and efforts is one of the most selfless acts that we can become involved in. Throughout the years and the many events, fundraisers, and activities that have been sponsored and hosted by the Winfield Arts & Humanities Council there has been on common denominator that has been the biggest contribution to the success of these activities, and that is YOU. Your willingness to give of yourself and your time to volunteer and assist with these endeavors have made them all a success. We really could not have done them without you. And for that, we thank you. We are truly appreciative of all that you do for our community and look forward to many more successes in the coming years. Your help has been and will continue to be "priceless."
How to become a volunteer
If you'd like to volunteer for any of our events simply submit an email or call us at (620) 221-2161 - be sure to include when, how, and which event.
Reasons to become a volunteer
There are so many reasons why people volunteer their time and efforts. We believe it comes from the heart of those who are willing to help their community and its citizens. To give of themselves and their time to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. To see their efforts turn into a success that helps so many. I think Elizabeth Jarrett Andrews summed it up best when she wrote that, “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” We'd like to thank you for your time and heart by volunteering.